Applause theatre group presents the pantomime Aladdin

From 8th to 10th December 2022, Applause theatre group are presenting the pantomime Aladdin at Clayton Village Hall. Tickets are available via the contacts on the poster. Bring a bit of magic into Christmas.

Warm spaces in Clayton

Warm Spaces are places where people can gather for free in a warm, safe, welcoming place and maybe enjoy a hot drink and some company.  Clayton Village Hall is one of the places that is participating in the scheme. Please have a look at the list of local venues that are involved to help out … Read more

Christmas Fayre on November 25th 2022

Come along between 6pm and 9pm and enjoy our Christmas Fayre. ENTRY IS FREE. Refreshments will be available and a host of stalls will greet you, plenty to interest everyone.

Bingo in the Village Hall

We are planning to reopening this popular group if we can get enough participants. Would you like to play cash bingo on a Wednesday afternoon from 1-30 to 3-30pm. Please contact anyone in the hall or ring the main phone number.

Upgrade to the kitchen

For a while Clayton Village Hall kitchen was in need of an urgent upgrade as it was suffering from general wear and tear, and also after a recent water leak some cupboards were unusable causing problems for storage. We are very pleased to announce that with the help of a generous grant from The National … Read more

Books and Butties on Sat 6th August 10 to 12pm

We are having another popular books and butties morning on Saturday 6th August. Come along for a delicious butty and choose a selection of books to take away for a bargain price. A selection of breakfast sandwiches will be available along with hot drinks. Please note that we do NOT need any donations of books at this time, as we have plenty already for a variety of tastes .

Cafe opening on Mondays

We are pleased to announce that our cafe will now be open on Mondays as well as Wednesdays and Fridays. If you fancy meeting up with other locals for a drink or a bite to eat, then please join us between 9-30 and 12-00pm.